Nordic Noise boklansering: Aspirations in the Nordics








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Aspirations in the Nordics: How We Found Hope in Artistic Practices

Reisen startet i Tangen-samlingen i Kristiansand, og gikk videre til kunstinstitusjoner over hele Norden. Nå ender det hele med at gruppen lanserer en felles publikasjon om nordisk kunst på Litteraturhuset i Bergen.  

Publikasjonen "Aspirations in the Nordics: How We Found Hope in Artistic Practices" utforsker den nordiske dimensjonen i kunsten. Boken er basert på en toårig samtale i gruppen, samt med menneskene de har møtt underveis på sin nordiske reise: “Throughout the chapters and parts, we gain momentum; a loosely thematic structure unravels. We contemplate the idea of the ‘Nordic’ through indirect channels, assemble glimpses and impressions, and document our conversation. As with any attempt to survey or grasp a large concept, the conversation is limited to the contributors’ physical presence, where they are based, who they are, and what they see.”  

Nordic Noise består av: Emmi Pennanen (dansekunstner og kurator), Eva Lín Vilhjálmsdóttir (kurator og filosof), Katinka Saarnak (kurator og kunsthistoriker), Janosch Bela Kratz (kunsner og grafisk designer), Nina Helene Skogli (kritiker og teaterforsker), Tze Yeung Ho (komponist og konsertarrangør).

Norsk og engelsk  


«Nordic Noise»-book launch

Can we talk about a distinct Nordic art? Over the past two years, six young artists and curators, "Nordic Noise," have explored the Nordic region and the complex concept of Nordic art.  The journey began with the Tangen Collection in Kristiansand and continued to art institutions across the Nordic countries. Now, it all culminates with the group launching a joint publication on Nordic art at Litteraturhuset in Bergen.  

The publication Aspirations in the Nordics: How We Found Hope in Artistic Practices explores the Nordic dimension in the arts. The book is based on a two-year conversation between a group of young artists and curators, and the people they have met along the way on their Nordic journey: “Throughout the chapters and parts, we gain momentum; a loosely thematic structure unravels. We contemplate the idea of the ‘Nordic’ through indirect channels, assemble glimpses and impressions, and document our conversation. As with any attempt to survey or grasp a large concept, the conversation is limited to the contributors’ physical presence, where they are based, who they are, and what they see.”  

Nordic Noise: Emmi Pennanen (dancer, performance artist and curator), Eva Lín Vilhjálmsdóttir (curator and philosopher), Katinka Saarnak (curator and art historian), Janosch Bela Kratz (artist and graphic designer), Nina Helene Skogli (critic and theater researcher), Tze Yeung Ho (composer and arts administrator)


Nordic Noise ved Fluks - Senter for ung kunst og kultur
Litthus i ditthus








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Nordic Noise ved Fluks - Senter for ung kunst og kultur

Nordic Noise boklansering: Aspirations in the Nordics

Aspirations in the Nordics: How We Found Hope in Artistic Practices

Reisen startet i Tangen-samlingen i Kristiansand, og gikk videre til kunstinstitusjoner over hele Norden. Nå ender det hele med at gruppen lanserer en felles publikasjon om nordisk kunst på Litteraturhuset i Bergen.  

Publikasjonen "Aspirations in the Nordics: How We Found Hope in Artistic Practices" utforsker den nordiske dimensjonen i kunsten. Boken er basert på en toårig samtale i gruppen, samt med menneskene de har møtt underveis på sin nordiske reise: “Throughout the chapters and parts, we gain momentum; a loosely thematic structure unravels. We contemplate the idea of the ‘Nordic’ through indirect channels, assemble glimpses and impressions, and document our conversation. As with any attempt to survey or grasp a large concept, the conversation is limited to the contributors’ physical presence, where they are based, who they are, and what they see.”  

Nordic Noise består av: Emmi Pennanen (dansekunstner og kurator), Eva Lín Vilhjálmsdóttir (kurator og filosof), Katinka Saarnak (kurator og kunsthistoriker), Janosch Bela Kratz (kunsner og grafisk designer), Nina Helene Skogli (kritiker og teaterforsker), Tze Yeung Ho (komponist og konsertarrangør).

Norsk og engelsk  


«Nordic Noise»-book launch

Can we talk about a distinct Nordic art? Over the past two years, six young artists and curators, "Nordic Noise," have explored the Nordic region and the complex concept of Nordic art.  The journey began with the Tangen Collection in Kristiansand and continued to art institutions across the Nordic countries. Now, it all culminates with the group launching a joint publication on Nordic art at Litteraturhuset in Bergen.  

The publication Aspirations in the Nordics: How We Found Hope in Artistic Practices explores the Nordic dimension in the arts. The book is based on a two-year conversation between a group of young artists and curators, and the people they have met along the way on their Nordic journey: “Throughout the chapters and parts, we gain momentum; a loosely thematic structure unravels. We contemplate the idea of the ‘Nordic’ through indirect channels, assemble glimpses and impressions, and document our conversation. As with any attempt to survey or grasp a large concept, the conversation is limited to the contributors’ physical presence, where they are based, who they are, and what they see.”  

Nordic Noise: Emmi Pennanen (dancer, performance artist and curator), Eva Lín Vilhjálmsdóttir (curator and philosopher), Katinka Saarnak (curator and art historian), Janosch Bela Kratz (artist and graphic designer), Nina Helene Skogli (critic and theater researcher), Tze Yeung Ho (composer and arts administrator)


In Cod We Trust: Living the Norwegian Dream








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Book launch with the American author Eric Dregni

Boklansering: Tiltale








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Tilde Strand Bogen er aktuell med ny diktsamling! Gjester: Erlend O. Nødtvedt, Jonas Sandven Rudjord og Isak Fredrik Store

Få siste nytt fra Litteraturhuset i Bergen.

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