How Do Journalists Seek out the Truth?
How do journalists separate the truth from the lies?
What kind of processes do journalists use to check the facts and develop a deeper understanding? And what journalistic genre is best suited? Long formats such as the book, or the shorter form of an investigative article?
The panel will discuss the techniques journalists and editors use to arrive at a truth they are confident of: South African Mark Gevisser has written a number of non-fiction books, primarily political and biographical, Swedish Jesper Huor has worked with both radio, TV and book formats, and American Madeleine Schwartz, based in France, has extensive experience as a journalist and editor both in the US and Europe and Norwegian Marte Spurkland who had written many non-fiction books.
The conversation will be hosted by Esther King, deputy-editor of The Dial.
The conversation will be in English.
190/90 (Student)